What’s the word?

Read Time: 7mins

“Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.”

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is believed that the letter of second Timothy was Paul's last written letter. Paul is in jail and knows his time is coming to an end, but spends his time encouraging and urging his son in the ministry to boldly and fearlessly continue the journey they had started together. Paul reminds Timothy of the gifts he was given and tells him to fan them into flame. Paul tells Timothy to continue to be unashamed of the God who was unashamed of them. Paul reminds Timothy to diligently work to show himself approved. Paul tells Timothy to be vigilant and flee the temptations that could harm him and others. And Paul reminds Timothy that all the pain is worth the prize that is knowing and being known by Jesus. This is like Paul’s final words to the person he considered his son, as he passes off the baton to Timothy. But one of Paul’s final statements of urge and encouragement may be the most important for us today. 

With his dying words, Paul tells Timothy to preach the word. This may seem simple. It may seem unneeded for a pastor to tell another pastor that he must preach the word. Some of you may even feel like you need to check out from this devotional because you aren't called to pastor or preach in a traditional sense. But this is more than a profound statement. Preaching is more than standing on a stage and offering a soliloquy. Preaching at its core is a bold proclamation of the gospel that is Jesus. Preaching is anything that boldly proclaims the goodness of God. And I want to argue that all of us have a calling to preach through our lives. In other places, Paul compliments churches for allowing their lives to be a testimony to the goodness of God. People saw how they lived and were pointed to Jesus. People experienced a taste of their love and were turned back to Jesus so that they could experience love in its fullness. They allowed their lights to shine and as others saw their good works they were prompted to glorify their father in heaven. This is preaching. Preaching is shining a light that points others to the source of that light. Paul's intentionality in using his last words with his protégé to urge him to preach the word points not just to the importance of preaching the word but the fact that there was a likely chance of him or others not preaching the word. 

So many of our churches and christian circles are dying and toxic because we refuse to preach the good news of who God has been to us and the change that has taken place in our lives. We refuse to talk about our faults and therefore can never talk about how graceful, powerful and loving God actually is for working with us in spite of our flaws. Because we don't talk about the full story we cannot give God full glory. It’s honestly difficult. A good friend recently had a heart to heart with me and helped me realize that I have been guarded and defensive about my full self in some places. This is completely understood. Especially when we’ve been hurt, we see it wise to guard ourselves so that others don't use our mistakes against us and hurt us more. But I’ve recognized that that mindset comes from me relying on finding safety and pride in my own ability, reputation and work ethic instead of Jesus. I have limited others' perception of how much God actually does save and how deep his grace and love actually is because they’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg of my life. You don't have to be completely naked. But be honest about the fact that you're a completely undeserving beneficiary of God's goodness too. Tell your story! This will help others realize they can also take part in this free gift that is made available to us. We preach through our  lives and testimonies and aren't allowing others to see God at HIs fullness because we aren't showing ourselves at our fullness. 

Another wall we have to break down in our understanding of what it means to preach the word is coming to understand that the Word is a person and not a thing. The word is someone that lives and not just something that is said. In biblical understanding, The Word is Jesus. John starts off his gospel by introducing the main character like this. 

“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. God sent a man, John the Baptist, to tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony. John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light. The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God. So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”

‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

John uses this beautifully constructed language to describe Jesus to the Greeks who already had a pantheon of Gods and wondered how this one was different. Jesus was the word at the beginning that went out as the agent of creation when the father said “let there be light”. Everything was created for and by HIm. Jesus was the one John the Baptist shouted to prepare us for. Jesus was the one who came down to us  so that we wouldn't have to climb up to Him. Jesus was the one rejected by His own people, the very ones He came to save. And Jesus is the one who is full of unfailing love and faithfulness. Jesus is the Word Paul talks about. Preach jesus. 

Jesus was one who was said to bring joy to the world. If what you’re proclaiming doesn’t bring joy it may not be Jesus. Jesus said he came to liberate the oppressed and set the captives free. If what you're proclaiming from your life isn't that, it may not be jesus. Jesus would bring a radical love and if your life isn't proclaiming that it isn’t proclaiming jesus. Jesus is the man who was so full of love that He sacrificed for people who wouldn't choose HIm back. As God lives in you, He will give you the desire and power to allow His love to shine out. The true light of the world will allow you to be His hands and feet, reflecting His light into dark places who need it. Our calling is to preach the word. Not just in word but action. Your mindset screams of how good God is. Your testimony tells the story of Jesus. The way you treat both your neighbors and enemies shows others Jesus when they haven’t experienced HIm in any other way. Your life is a witness. Your life is a sermon. Don’t hold back. Don’t be ashamed. Be bold. Use all the gifts God has given you to radically and profusely proclaim the Word that has turned your life around. The burden of every sermon should be Christ. Preach the word. 

Preaching just means to proclaim. It’s not about a stage or even a church. It just means to show something boldly. Preach Jesus in season and out of season. Use your gifts in your own way and style. We are all called to preach. Be prepared to show what God has meant to you. Be encouraged to patiently show others God by how you treat them and what you stand on. Preach through your life. Preach through your mindset. Preach through your integrity. Preach through your values and priorities. You're always preaching something. Your face and actions are always telling the world around you something. I just want to be intentional about using everything I have control of to point back to jesus. Preach the Word. Preach Jesus. 

And if you dont know who Jesus is, just ask him to show himself more in your life. I promise it will work and change your life. It worked for me. Experiencing Jesus is the best thing to ever happen to me.

Seek and you shall find.


I really appreciate those who support this ministry. It takes hundreds every month to pay for the website upkeep, and text software alone to make this ministry possible and I know it's all because of God. I’ve honestly been close to quitting or putting this off many times because of how much it takes to run but God always sends a surprise reminder that He is the one providing for what I can't and not me myself. Thank you for consistently helping so that others can experience God for themselves the way you have. Please consider subscribing some of your friends through the subscription link (or by texting “thoughts” to 844-750-0137) on the website or donating through the donation tab or $ThoughtsByPace on Cash App. Continue to pray for me and those around me who inspire, support and benefit from this ministry. I know God will continue to blow our minds with what He does. 


Safe Here


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