Called to Pour
Read time: 6 mins
“But Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world Lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:25-28 NLT
John Maxwell says that leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less. Leadership is your affect on the character, development or behavior of someone or something and I believe we are all called to a level of it. As followers of Christ we are called to a mission of influence and impact. Jesus created us to be billboards and change agents that point our communities back to Him. We are called to inspire. We are called to elevate. We are called to make the worlds around us better. All of us are. But this calling to influence isn't about you being first or even being appreciated all the time. Popularity and praise won't always come with your purpose. We all have a calling to influence but we aren't always intentional about leading in the way Christ intended for us to. Many of us forget that the model we see promoted by Christ is actively being secure in what most would consider a lesser role to accomplish a greater goal. As Christian’s we are designed to influence like Christ. And this influence is to function primarily through others focused service and sacrifice.
Many of us have this idea of leadership backwards. We seek titles and positions as a way to fill our own voids and insecurities. You have probably met leaders like this. Leadership becomes a contest to see how much we can gain instead of a calling to give. Some of us desire the respect and value that we never seemed to have and use leadership as a way of leaching it out of others. We use leadership as a way to assert dominance or authority. People use titles and accomplishments to make themselves feel more important or fuel the warped sense of identity they’re searching for. Many of us use leadership as a selfish endeavor to vampire attention and acclaim out of the people we are called to serve. I want you to really pause and investigate your motives to see if you may be doing some of the same things in areas of your leadership. Because this is even something the disciples struggled with.
The disciples wanted the acclaim and power that came with leadership and recognition. Some even had their mother come and ask Jesus if they could have high positions and regard in heaven, like a parent would go to their kid’s coach and ask if they can get more playing time. But Jesus responded by saying they don't even realize the responsibility that comes with the power and position they’re asking for. Your ability to steward position is based on the weight of service you're willing to carry. There is a weight and suffering that comes with the platform. There is a pressure that comes with position. There's a great responsibility that comes with power. There is a crushing that comes with anointing. If we are wanting to grow in leadership or position, we are really asking to grow in responsibility, pressure, ridicule and dependence on Jesus. God said He is the one who sets up kings and often the people He sets up are the people He can trust the most to steward His power. If you want to be a true leader, you must not be distracted from your true mission. Jesus said that this world may work differently. People may politic and push for acclaim or position. They would lord over others and use their gifts to edify themselves instead of others. They may fight and scheme for power. They may brown nose and kiss up to be seen. But in the kingdom of God, leadership is given to those who are intentional about service. God only trusts those with leadership who have the same primary mission as Him, service. If you want to be first, you must become a slave.
A goal of service is what makes you qualified for further leadership because leadership is a call to further serve. You don't deserve to steward influence, resources or platform if you're doing it for you. The temptation many face is fighting for leadership or respect as a way to fill your own emotional voids and fears instead of true and selfless worship to God birthing true service. This is something we all have to be honest about as we give ourselves to God. Peter Scezzero says that you cannot be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Are you leading as a worshipful response to God or using God and His people as a drug to nurse the wounds you won't let Him heal? Are you leading from a place or lack where you're trying to gain something or a place of fulfillment where you're trying to pour? We all need to slow down and be honest and self aware enough to really get to the bottom of our leadership and influence. We need to continually submit our true selves to God.
Leaders, you are called to serve. And that service is made possible by knowing who you are in Christ. You don't have to always get your way. You don't have to seek to prove yourself or fight to be seen as great. This earth isn't your home anyway. You have better stored away for you in heaven. You don't have to always be respected as you feel you deserve. God will fight for you. You don't have to force yourself into the spotlight or the conversation. Let your service speak for you. You don't have to be known and seen for all you accomplish. Jesus wasn't and He was the greatest leader ever.
Paul reminds us in Philippians 2, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Philippians 2:3-11 NIV
I’ve noticed in my own life that I fall when I pridefully try to build myself up but when I'm humble, I receive the respect many crave. Jesus’ goal was service and because of His service He was exalted. This is the principle. The greatest in the kingdom of God will be those who were considered the least here. The greatest are those who trust God enough to choose service over building acclaim and power for themselves.
You can afford to choose service over self glorification when you realize the safety you have in Christ. The Bible says that Jesus washed the disciples' feet and served them because He knew the power He had.
“Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him.”
John 13:3-5 NLT
Did yall catch that? What gave Jesus the security to serve was knowledge of His position in His father. Jesus knew He was safe and secure in His father so it gave Him the room to serve as a leader. He knew where He was going so He could serve on earth. He already had what He needed so He gave. And many of us find viewing others first hard or stupid because we’ve lived a life where we always had to protect and look out for ourselves. You're not serving to build yourself up. You are serving because you are already built up. Youre not serving to get. Youre serving because you already have. Some of us can't love others because we haven’t fully stepped into the realizaion that we are loved. We can't feed others until we’ve eaten. But what I want you to realize is that you have all you need in Christ.
This model of leadership being your ability to pour because you're already filled also explains why people are more likely to follow Christian leaders. Filled leaders arent in leadership to steal from and use others. They have what they need so they can pour. Leaders who trust God build trust in those following them because they are consistently selfless. The disciples followed Jesus even into death because of how much they trusted Him. Jesus valued and loved them so much that they felt safe to follow. And Jesus’ character was consistent because of His consistent connection to and dependence on His father.
Titles or positions don't make a leader. Titles and positions are often given to those who stewarded influence before they have a title. Leadership cannot come from a mindset of scarcity. It comes from a mindset of abundance. You can afford to give when you realize you have the safety to. You take when you feel like you lack. Leadership is like a bank. While your humanity and mistakes will often make withdrawals in others, listening to those you're leading, learning their story, loving them, serving them and building the sense of trust and safety between you is like making a deposit. Be a leader who is easy to follow. When you are secure in your leadership you have the capacity to truly love and make time for those who are following you. You can pour without needing anything back from them because you're filled. If you don't want to go bankrupt you have to make sure you are serving. And you can only truly pour out in service if you're connected to the hose that is Jesus. Respect in leadership cannot be forced. It is given to those who give. People submit to those who prove themselves safe. Your service will build the credit needed for people to follow.
People will only follow those who have proven themselves to be safe and consistent enough to be followed. You cannot force others to follow or even respect you. Respect isn't given to the person with the title or uniform or even the loudest in the room. Respect and trust is earned through consistency of character and values. Respect is earned through humility, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. That trust is built through love. You notice that the things that make us a good and trusted leader are all fruit of the Spirit? True leadership can only come when you’re committed to Christ. The true journey of growing in leadership each day is only possible through Jesus.
Many of you have been called to great leadership and influence. Be the type of leader you’d be ok with your kids relying on. Be consistent. Be loving. Be respectful. Be diligent. Be uplifting. It's a journey of growth. Don’t get discouraged because you aren't perfect, just be committed to continual progression. My charge to you is to trust God enough to stay true to His method. That’s where you will find the most fulfillment. Jesus said His food came from doing the will of His Father. That means service is what filled Him and It will fill you too if you try it. When you’re waiting for more, do what waiters do and serve. Don’t scheme. Don’t push or try to prove. Don’t force anything. Do the little things. Stay consistent. Listen, learn, submit to God, respect those leading you, and love the people around you. Serve them diligently. God’s timing will always be perfect. Leadership is about service and you don't need a title for that. Just consistency of service. Keep serving and remember service is only made possible through Jesus.
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