Reading Time: 5 minutes
“Everyone (anyone, whoever) who calls (whenever, wherever) on the name of the LORD will (not maybe or might or sometimes) be saved (no matter how embarrassing their mistake is).”
Romans 10:13
We all know what it’s like to fall and mess up. I’ve made many mistakes. And I’ve noticed a lot of the worse ones come after I’ve been on a high with God. I feel like many people in the Bible can relate, but I wanna focus on my guy Peter.
In Matthew 14, Jesus sends His disciples out across the lake to the other side. While they are on the way, a mighty storm comes. It’s dark, it’s cold, it’s damp, and they’re scared. And to make things worse, an eerie figure starts walking towards them.
As soon as the figure is within shouting distance, He tells them not to be afraid because He is here. Peter recognizes the voice and is like, “Lord, is that you? If it is, tell me to come out on the water with you!”
“Come,” Jesus says, and Peter starts to walk on the water. He’s walking. He’s actually doing it! But, we all know what happens next. Peter falls.
Peter is the only one to ever walk on water and also the only one to fall in this moment. He looks at the storm instead of his Savior and falls. He messes up. He loses it. And I can sympathize with that. There are so many moments in life where I’m going great and then boom, failure. Many times, I said the wrong thing or went to the wrong places. Many times, I wasn’t the man God called me to be. I’ve hurt people. I’ve messed up. I got a 1.8 GPA and almost flunked out of college (true story). It’s so easy to be walking one moment and feel like you’re sinking the next.
But what I love is that as soon as Peter falls, his reaction is to call out.
Sometimes, we are going to make mistakes. You are going to mess up. But when you fall, I want you to know you are still loved, claimed, and allowed to call out. The Bible says that Jesus immediately grabs Peter as soon as he calls out to Him! Don't be afraid to go back to Jesus for His peace and protection. He won't hold your mistakes over your head. He anticipated mistakes and continually works them into the plan to save you.
I’m not a bio student so I don’t know the ins and outs of neurology or how the synapses fire when someone moves, but I know that in order for an action to be immediate, it has to be anticipated. A decision to act has to be made before the incident.
I believe Jesus doesn’t just grab Peter when he falls. Jesus makes up His mind that if and when Peter falls, He is going to catch him and pull him up. He is going to do the work of restoring him, fighting for him, and being strong for him while he can’t be strong for himself. And Jesus is saying the same thing about us.
Donnie says “We fall down, but we get up” and Jesus knows you will fall and has already made the decision to help you up. He knows you aren’t perfect and has already made the decision that He won’t walk out on you. While we are still in the process of sinning, Jesus loves us the same and has already set up a plan for our salvation!
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved! Don’t be afraid, don’t be embarrassed. Call to Jesus. He won’t look down on you or discount you. He won’t walk out on you or let you go! You aren’t too far gone. He hasn’t given up on you. He never turns away broken people.
Yes, you played a part in getting into the sometimes negative situations you find yourself in. But Jesus will not hold it over your head. He still wants to give peace, protection, and a way out.
Just call.
He isn’t concerned about your fall as much as you think.
He just wants to help.
Just call.
You don’t have to sweep it under the rug or hide your side of the story. He knows and still chooses you. Just let Him help.
Just Call.
Check these songs out and meditate on this concept.
Smokie Norful - I Need You Now (Live)
Broken People Lyric Video - Israel & New Breed feat. DOE
Don't let this discussion stop here.
Here is another devotional that might help articulate what it really means to turn back to God:
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Send this to anyone else who needs a reminder that God loves them even while they are in their mess.