A New Name

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. Looking intently at Simon, Jesus said “Your name is Simon, son of John, but you will be called Cephas (which means Peter).”

John 1:42

To start His ministry, Jesus needs a team. He’s about to change the world so I’d assume He needs to create a super team: a group of the most accomplished leaders and the most prolific influencers. At least, that’s what I'd imagine for someone of Jesus’ caliber with the importance of His mission. Yet, Jesus grabs regular people, I dare say He gets below average people. He grabs a disgruntled and diverse group of supposed nobodies. 

Andrew, a former follower of John the Baptist, might be qualified after following a prophetic preacher like John and Jesus. But, insistent that he has found the Messiah, Andrew invites a plus one to the party: his brother Simon. Jesus meets Simon, intently sizes him up, and then says, “Now your name is Simon, son of John, but soon you will be Peter.” Simon (Peter) is a rambunctious, arrogant fighter. He’s probably illiterate—a fisherman from the hood—but he was brought on to the team by his brother and accepted by Jesus. 

What’s interesting is that Jesus knows Peter’s history and personality. Jesus knows how rambunctious Peter is. He knows how much of a liability Peter will be on some missions, but allows Peter to follow Him anyway. Jesus even invites Peter into his inner circle and seems to give him leadership in the group. 

You may feel like God doesn’t want to use you. You may feel like you don’t have your life together and have to sort some things out. Like with Peter, you may have heard of Jesus second hand, but you don’t have to fix yourself before going to him. Jesus knows you are rough around the edges. He knows you will cuss people out and try to cut people's heads off to protect Him. But, He wants you, sees you, and wants to use you.

In Revelation 3, there is another verse involving changing names.

 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.

Revelation 3:11-12

Hold on, keep going, keep following. You will be victorious and you will be a pillar in God's church. You will be a pillar in your community. You may have left the community before but you won't anymore. You will have the character of God written on you. You will have a new name.

Jesus wants to change your name. Names are important. They point to your character and are a reminder to you and others of who you are. Simon was a common name that meant “listen”. There were a lot of Simons. But Jesus says he is special and will be called Peter which means “rock”. Jesus is saying, “Listen now, you will soon be a leader I can depend on, even though I know right now you aren’t to be trusted. If you just listen, I'll make you a rock. If you just listen, I'll let you be one of the first to preach the gospel to the world. I'll recycle the rambunctious, inquisitive confidence into influence and boldness for me. I'll take everything that you have used to hurt others to heal. I'll use you, work with you, and transform you.”

Simon did not become the Peter we see toward the end of his life immediately. It was a process. Simon had to trust just enough to follow and listen. For three years, he followed, he listened, questioned, learned, and developed. Jesus wants to use you. It doesn’t start with you changing for Him. It starts with trust and then, as you follow, He will change your name. He sees the finished product as you’re growing. He will change your character. Don’t disregard yourself because you see some Simon in you. Keep listening and following and soon you will be a rock. Don’t look down on people in their Simon stage of life. Jesus is doing a work that will take a lifetime. Above all, trust Him and His process. 

For now, you may be just questioning, but soon you’ll be the answer to someone’s problem. You’re still figuring this out, but soon you will lead others. God wants to train you, just walk behind him and learn as you go. This won’t be immediate. Take off the pressure of thinking you have to make an immediate change. He will change what people call you and what you call yourself. He wants to use you for great things, just be like Peter and listen. He is in the business of changing names.

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