Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Read time: 5 mins

“Jesus said, “My friend, go ahead and do what you have come for.” Then the others grabbed Jesus and arrested him. But one of the men with Jesus pulled out his sword and struck the high priest’s slave, slashing off his ear. “Put away your sword,” Jesus told him. “Those who use the sword will die by the sword. Don’t you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send them instantly? But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what must happen now?””

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26‬:‭50‬-‭54‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus made it clear that He came to earth for a reason. The angels proclaimed that He would be a Savior to the world. Thousands of prophecies pointed to a Savior who would come and rescue His people from sin and Jesus was that Savior. Jesus came for the mission of saving the lost by dying on the cross. That was the reason for Him coming to earth. While He could get some side missions done along the way, accomplishing salvation was the most important thing on His agenda. He was focused. 

But throughout His life, many people who didn’t understand the importance of His main mission tried to derail him from His purpose. They focused on what He could do instead of what He was called to do. People expected Him to be a surface level Savior, that would just make them food and get them out of poverty. But Jesus was on a mission to be a sacrificial lamb that would holistically transform their lives. They just wanted Jesus to just start a fight with the Romans, not knowing that His mission was much bigger; defeating death, hell and the grave. Jesus' death and resurrection is literally the reason you have freedom, identity and hope today. But many of us, like the people in Jesus’ day, get fixated on the auxiliary blessings that come with Jesus and forget the main reason He came.

Throughout the Bible and our modern lives, humans have fought against the very things and people that were ordained to save them. David’s brothers berated him, not knowing he would fight the battle they couldn’t and let them live with the victory. The Israelites constantly complained and fought against Moses when he literally liberated them from slavery. And many of us are so dense and ignorant to what God is trying to do that we, like the people in Jesus’ day, fight against the very man who is trying to bring about our salvation. In this story, Peter is like many of us. 

Jesus is literally at the precipice of Calvary. This is it. These are the closing moments. Heaven is at the edge of their seats, wrist deep in popcorn, awaiting the victory they’ve been anticipating for millennia. We’re at the climactic chronicle of christendom. But this guy Peter misreads what should be the opportunity of a lifetime as a threat of opposition.  As Jesus is betrayed and the Roman guards approach to escort Jesus to His victory on the cross, Peter starts fighting. And I want you to catch what happens. 

On the surface, it may seem like a good idea to protect Jesus. This was their friend and leader who had walked with them for years now. Surely this made this most sense in both Peter’s mind, and the minds of many others. But Peter doesn’t recognize the importance of Jesus’ true mission. While arrest would seem like a failure, it was actually part of the plan. It was part of Jesus’ purpose and plan. It would make logical sense to protect Jesus but it was through Jesus’ death that they would have victory. Death was the goal. 

So as Peter draws his sword, I can imagine him feeling proud. This is like Lebron hitting a championship saving block. He is protecting Jesus. He’d expect praise but he gets a stern scolding as Jesus looks compassionately yet disappointed and sews the Roman guard’s ear back on. 

What Jesus says next is where we get our revelation for today. Jesus is such a gangster. I wish I could’ve seen His tone and body language as He said some things. Jesus is like don’t you think I could’ve called for a world war if I didn't want to be arrested? Jesus didn’t need Peter’s help. He could’ve solved this on His own without Peter in the way. But If He did everything He could do, He would miss out on what He was called to do. Just because He could fight back doesn’t mean He was supposed to. While Jesus could literally have called thousands of angels to start a nuclear strike in an instant, it would have gotten in the way of the mission. And this is what I want you to reflect on.

The devil can open doors too. The devil wants you to gain the whole world and lose your soul. I want you to remember Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness. They were all designed to stroke His ego while giving the devil the victory in what really mattered. If Jesus had called down atomic weapons from heaven, it would be cool and He may have won an ego battle in that moment, but He would have lost the war. Jesus could have been a great general on earth but He said no to that so He could win the war for the universe that really mattered. He could have been rich on earth but decided to be poor for a moment so that He could open a window of heaven and pour out blessings later. I want you to be prayerful about some of the things that you could do that are really meant to distract you from what you should do. The old saying is “don’t settle for president when God calls you to be a teacher.” Yeah, you could get with the baddest girl in the school but is that who is called to be the mother of your children? Yeah, you could take the job that pays the best, but which will actually bring fulfillment? Yeah, you could chase money, fame, popularity or momentary pleasure, but what is going to last in the end? 

Others may not understand but what’s for you is for you. People didn’t understand why Jesus willingly went along with being put to death. But they didn’t have to. It was for the greater good. 

Let me tell you something I told the young adults at my church. You are so gifted, anointed and skilled that while others are asking God to open doors you may have to ask Him to shut a few. The devil wishes that you’d choose the job offer that strokes your ego instead of the one that would make the most impact for the kingdom. Be so locked in to the mission that you aren’t distracted by the flashiness. Do what you’re called to do and not just what makes you look cool. Be focused on what matters.

One of my mentors told me this when I started pastoring. He said, “Pace, you will soon realize that pastoral ministry isn’t glamorous and at times you will feel under appreciated. You will be in rooms with politicians, executives and professionals that you speak better than, lead better than and influence better than. The temptation will be to leave what you're called to do and go to “greener pastures” elsewhere but will you focus on how you’re viewed or what God told you to accomplish? Will you jump ship and go with what you could do or stay with what God is calling you too?” You have to make the same decision. Will you go to glamor or stick with what you’ve been graced for? Some of you are gifted enough to outperform the headliner at every club in your area but you must make the decision on if you will be an overqualified and under-appreciated worship leader or gain the world and lose your soul. People may not get why God told you to call off the engagement but what God has for you is better than anything anyone else could dream up. I know that a new offer in the new city looks better but if it isn’t in line with what God has called you to in this season, it’s a distraction. 

Now I’m not saying don’t excel. I'm not saying don’t strive for greatness and take over the world. I’m not saying to hide your light. You should shoot for the stars. Be like Daniel and David and take over the legislative, entertainment, academic and economic branches of this world. But don’t be so focused on what you can do that you miss out on what you’re called to do. Don't forfeit the mission because it would look cool to show off for a moment. Don’t call angels down if it means you don’t accomplish the mission. Don’t put all your focus into making more money if it’s for selfish ambition. Don’t seek to shine if it’s for your own glory. Your gifting, anointing, skill, net worth and network have been lent to you so you can point others to Jesus. Do all for the glory of God. 

This is why you just be clear on your dedication to God. Be clear on the foundation of your life. Be clear on your why. Be clear on your reason behind your decisions. If you’re living for God then everything should be centered around Him. If you need help clarifying your purpose or path, prayerfully read over the other devotionals on my website (PaceFordham.com). I believe God will bring clarity. But don’t settle for what may look good to others at the cost of missing out on what God dreamed for you to accomplish. 

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I have something I need you to pray on. This Saturday, Nov 11th we are holding ROAR in Cincinnati in partnership with Shiloh’s Ignite Young Adult weekend. God is going to do something great. Thanks for praying and praising in anticipation.


Turn to the sun.


From a pain to peace