Don’t Leave Without It
Read time: 6 mins
“Once when (Jesus) was eating with them, He commanded them, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift He promised, as I told you before. John baptized with water but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 1:4-5
As I was reading this verse, the beat from “Can't Leave Without It” by 21 Savage started playing in my head. In the song, 21 Savage, Gunna, and Lil Baby rap about how—because of their dangerous lifestyle—they cannot leave home without the safety of their guns. They live a life that requires them to need firepower. They’re expected to sustain in a world too dangerous for them to fight on their own.
In the verses above, Jesus is calling His disciples to a similar lifestyle. Not a lifestyle of crime and illegal activities, but a lifestyle where they’re told they will be hated because of the message of love they preach. They are expected to not just survive but thrive in a dangerous world. They are expected to go against the current and love the unloved and fight for the defenseless. But their safety and power won't come from their weapons. In the 4th chapter of the book of Zachariah, we are reminded that our battles are not fought by might nor power, but by the Spirit of God. They needed the Holy Spirit and Jesus told them to not leave without it.
The disciples had pretty big shoes to fill. Jesus was leaving earth but charging them with the task of continuing His earthly ministry. They were to be His hands and feet, loving the unlovable, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, giving sight to the blind, and raising the dead. This is a pretty big task. Jesus has called them to big things. You’d think they need to urgently jump on this mission and get to work but Jesus actually tells them to pause. Yes, they were directed to impact the world, but for now, He commands them not to leave Jerusalem.
Jesus knew that they couldn't do anything without the Spirit of God. In the book of John, Jesus reminds us that He produces the fruit in us and without Him, you can produce nothing. Yes, you may be called to big things, but none of those are possible without the source of your strength.
The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Godhead. The Spirit is referred to as the Helper, the Advocate, and the being that leads us into all Truth. The Spirit is the reason we can interpret scripture and the Spirit is what bestows gifts. The Holy Spirit in our lives means that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is in us. It’s because of this that Jesus says we will do greater works than He did on earth, it's the Spirit working in us.
Jesus was a man who knew the importance of the power of God. Though Jesus was God, His power on earth came from His connection to His Father. Jesus would often retreat to solitary places to pray and be recharged by His relationship with His Father. Our power also comes through our connection. We cannot leave without being connected to the source of our strength.
Yes, you may be gung ho to go after the things God is calling you to, but remember it's not in your strength. The Bible says it's not by might nor power but by the Spirit. Don't leave until you have allowed Jesus to be the one powering you. Don't even try to do it without God. The disciples were trained under the best leader and teacher to exist and were still told not to try anything until they knew it was God leading them. You wouldn’t go on a trip without putting gas in a car so why would you go into your various dreams, careers, goals, or endeavors without the power of God? You may be talented and accomplished, but the Spirit of God brings so much more to your life. Don't try to do this thing alone.
What I love is that while the Spirit is needed and valued, it's not expensive. The Holy Spirit is a free gift to anyone who will ask. You have the potential to have the wisdom, strength, power, protection, and security of God on your side if you would just trust Him. There are stories of Jesus literally walking through mobs of people who wanted to kill Him. There are stories of people being warned not to go to cities or houses when people wished to do them harm. There are stories of people being given the right words to say or actions to take when it mattered most, all because the Holy Spirit was guiding them. Don't leave without it. Don't graduate without prioritizing Jesus. Don't go forward in that relationship without Jesus at the center. Don't go into that new job without the power of God to sustain you.
Don't leave without Him.
But wait, there’s more…
Later in the Book of Acts, the disciples find themselves in a room when they hear a ROAR of wind and are filled with the Holy Spirit Jesus promised them. As we go into various vocational, educational, and relational endeavors, we know we cannot sustain in our own power. Like the disciples we need the Spirit of God leading and fighting for us. We want to create a similar room of worship as we ask for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and we want you to be in the room!
On February 7th, we are headed to where ROAR started, Huntsville, Alabama at Oakwood University. Get your tickets and book your rooms now! We want to ask God for and thank God for that same gift, as we anticipate the same ROAR of wind the disciples heard as they were filled.
We will be gathering a group of believers from all regions, backgrounds, and lanes of ministry to call in expectation for God's power. Before we go into new avenues of life and ministry, we want to prioritize Jesus. We need His power to sustain. God moved in mighty ways in the past and we expect more than we could think or imagine for this year. Sign up for ROAR. This isn’t for spectators. Come out to part of the movement if you desire more from God.
Your in-person or virtual tickets can be found on,
In addition to our regular ROAR Experience, we will also be doing something new. We will be holding a ROAR Workshop. God has called us each to make an impact, hold influence, and bear fruit. John 15 reminds us that when we abide, fruit is expected, but when we disconnect from the source, our potential is rejected. We seek to create a space for leaders, visionaries, worshippers, and ministers to better approach the cuts that lead to cultivation, manage the fruit that is given, and prepare for the harvest that is expected as we rest in Christ. Don’t just sign up for the ROAR Experience. Register to be a part of the workshops as well on