I got a song.
“I will praise you to all my brothers; I will stand up before the congregation and testify of the wonderful things you have done.” Psalm 22:22
I love music. (I’ve probably started a lot of devotionals I’ve written like that lol.) Music has the power to connect people who otherwise would not cross paths. Music has a way of speaking across language barriers. Music has a way of calming aching hearts. Music is great and that’s why I love not just listening to it but making it, specifically singing. Singing is where I find rest. Singing is often where I find my peace and escape after a long day of stress and tension. Singing is a medium through which I can let out my thoughts and emotions and feel free. If I was up till 3 or 4 am, odds are I was in my room singing to God and soaking up His presence. I love singing. And if anyone else loves singing too, you know it’s not just about knowing the right notes or having the right technique or control; it’s about feeling the message behind what you’re saying, connecting to it, and transferring those thoughts to your audience.
It’s funny that no matter how much we drill the fact that music is more than knowing the right rhythms and pitches, it’s so easy to get caught in a rut of expressing it as just that, void of emotional connection. It’s so easy to want to perform instead of connect… impress others instead of inspire them. And that’s something I want to get better at as I continue to use music to spread God’s love. As Dr. Foster at Oakwood would say, “I don’t want to just sing it, I want to say it.” I want to transfer a message and not just a tune.
There’s a song I sang with the Aeolians by Colin Lett, called “I Got a Song.” It was a normal rehearsal going over the flow and details of the song until the practice was paused to ask the question: “what does this song mean to you?” As I've said, it’s easy to just sing from memory instead of actually connecting to a piece but once you connect emotionally is when the magic happens.
The song repeats this phrase, ‘I have a song that angels can’t sing, oh I’ve been washed by the blood of the lamb.”
This may seem like just some random lyrics but it really hit some members of the choir.
Did you know you have a song that angels can’t sing? Yeah, the people who sing 24/7 in God’s presence. You can do something they can't. And that’s sing a song about redemption.
Yes, they have seen God through the ages. They have seen miracles and experienced His glory up close and personal, but we are the only ones to personally know what it’s like to be saved. We are the only ones who know what it’s like to be redeemed when we don’t deserve another chance. We are the only ones who know what it’s like to be sinking and have someone save you from the storm. We are the only ones to be imparted peace when we were stricken with overwhelming situations.
You have a song. Live like it.
You may not like to sing as much as I do, but the Bible actually doesn’t say singing is the best form of worship. It says offering your life as a living billboard for Jesus is. Be a sacrifice that He can use to show how He works in the lives of normal people!
Your song may not look like others. It may not seem as flashy but it’s needed. And guess what? It is exactly what someone needs to hear. It’s important. So tell your story. Let your life be a witness. Let His joy be a billboard of His grace. Let your face tell the story of how He saved you from yourself.
Tell your story man. Don’t be afraid. And it’s not about how well you sing it, it’s about how well you say it. It’s not about the flashiness, it’s about the message. It’s easy to go through life and just go with the motions like singing a song with no feeling. But my challenge to you today is to discover the why behind your song. Think back on what God did for you specifically. Remind yourself of how He made a way. And it might just add a different flair to the song that is your life.
It’s easy to look at tomorrow’s challenges and forget about yesterday’s triumphs. But there is something about reminding yourself of how you made it through before that gives you the confidence to make it through whatever is next. Remember your song. It is not the same as everyone else’s. But that is why it’s for you. It’s meant to encourage you as you go through life. And it may just be used to inspire someone else.
Don’t focus on today’s storm. Focus on today’s savior.
And see how that changes your view on life.
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