In Jesus’ Name

Reading Time: 7 minutes

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same work I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the son can bring glory to the father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, in my name and I will do it!”

John 14:12-14

     These verses often make us uncomfortable. What if I tell someone else they can ask for anything and it doesn't work out? What if I ask for something big, like for a family member not to die, and it doesn't happen? It’s hard to actually believe we can ask for anything because it opens a door to potential disappointment. I believe diving into these verses can actually help our understanding, inspire us further and move us from discomfort into faith and excitement. 

     The key is belief in Jesus. It says “anyone who believes in Me will do what I have done.” How? Because the belief allows God the space to move through you. This isn't about you doing greater works than Jesus did on earth in your own power, know-how, or ability. This is about you creating the space for Him to use you as a conduit for greater. 

     You remember the story of the prodigal son? The younger son took the family money and went on a frivolous spree of living unwisely with his money. And when he came back, the father threw him a party for coming back home. We often focus on the son who left, but the other son who stayed back is more indicative of a lot of us. The older son was mad and refused to celebrate with his family and friends because the younger son got the party, attention, and money he never got. We are a lot like that son. We are sitting at home, mad because God is seemingly throwing a party for others who don't deserve it. We complain about the provision in others’ lives or the blessings we see God bestowing on them. We talk about people who have more than us and seem to think the grass is greener elsewhere. Yet, the old proverb says the grass isn't greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it. We want better, but do not allow God to do the work to make our experience better. What I love about that story is that the father comes out and tells the other son that he could’ve had everything the father had if he just asked. We miss out on so much because we do not ask.

     I love that Jesus tells us to ask in His name because this points to two things. Firstly, Jesus wants what you want! He wants peace for you! He wants clarity and purpose. He wants healing and prosperity. He wants your family back together or for your marriage to work out. Jesus wants you to have the joy you’re craving and the love you desire. 

     Secondly, names also speak to character and power. While growing up, I remember when I would want my brothers to help with something, I would only have so much power to persuade them. Yet, if my mom or dad told me to get them to help, I had significantly more power because they were speaking through me. Praying for things in His name means praying and seeking the things He would want, but it also means that His stamp of approval is on it. Praying in Jesus’ name is like saying “Daddy said” to your problems. When you’re fearful, say “My dad said He didn't give me a spirit of fear.” When you feel broken, say “My dad offers to heal and says I am whole.” When you feel insecure, tell yourself “My dad puts immense value in me.” This isn't you in your own power. This is speaking to your situation with the power of God. These aren't your words. Jesus is giving you the opportunity to speak in His name!

     You can ask for anything and He will grant it. Jesus wants to bring glory to His Father by accomplishing His bidding through you. He wants to do greater through you and for you! I love that the Bible also reminds us that the Holy Spirit knows what we desire even when we can't articulate it. That means that sometimes God will bypass what we ask for to give us what we really want and need. When you look for a sneaky link or a friend-with-benefits to appease your need for companionship and comfort, God may bypass that to make room for a husband or wife. When you pray for a bike for transportation, God may bypass that specific request to fulfill the core desire for a new car. When the relationship doesn't work out, just know that everything it was giving you is coming back tenfold! When you pray for the job but don't get it, it may be that God knows He can give you security and purpose elsewhere. The things you needed as crutches won't be needed when He heals you from the wound it was addressing. Trust God to work, even if it doesn't make sense at the moment.

     As you go through your life, I want you to know that the miracles and healings seen in the Bible aren’t exclusive to ancient times. Theologian Charles Spurgeon says that natural miracles aren't just literal. They’re analogies of spiritual miracles. Jesus causing the blind to see doesn't just mean He can fix eyes. It means He can give new vision and clarity. Jesus making the mute talk isn't just about fixing speech impediments. Jesus can give a voice and platform to the voiceless. Jesus causing the lame to walk isn't just about healing palsy. Jesus can give mobility, drive, and progress to those who feel stuck in this stage of life. I want to remind you that you don't have to be stuck where you are! Jesus wants to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you can think or fathom, but it starts with the belief that He can and will. 

     Keep asking. Keep trusting. God wants to do amazing things through you and for you. Ask God to give you the desires of your heart and help you want the things He wants for you. Ask Him to help you believe for greater even when it doesn't make sense. God wants better for you than you could ever dream of. Just ask Him to lead. Ask Him to allow you to be a part of the next story people tell of how they saw God work. 

     What are you asking for today?

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The Gift of Opportunity.


Attention Passengers