Keep Moving Forward.
One of my favorite Kid Cudi songs is “Reborn” on the album Kids See Ghosts. The song’s chorus simply says “I’m so reborn. I’m moving forward. Keep moving forward. I’m moving forward.” ‘Keep moving forward’ is really one of my favorite sayings, it fits my brand. I was really good at running track, and cross country, I have ADHD, my name is Pace?!!?? It just fits. One of my best friends, Jonas, even has me saved in his phone under the name “perpetual motion Fordham.” I’m all about continual movement.
I am literally emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually connected to the concept of movement. I can’t even imagine being stagnant. I love progression and growth.
Many of you may be like me. We crave movement. We seek progression with our whole beings. We want to grow. We want to achieve and reach the dreams we have. But things seem to hold us back or block our trajectory. I know for me it’s almost like I live in the future and I’m constantly fighting and running to catch up with the version of myself I feel in the future. I know where I need to be but there are roadblocks in my way.
This is the situation the Israelites found themselves in. They had had dreams of freedom from slavery. They had even seen glimpses of it. But now they were stuck between a raging sea and a ravaging army. The red sea is in front of them and the Egyptian army is closing in behind them. Either direction seems like it would end in certain death. They may have felt stuck. Their hearts were in the promised land they had dreamed of, but their bodies were stagnant in this dire moment of presumed death.
They start to cry out, trying to rationalize how a God that led them out would just stop now. What could be the reason? They had begun to lose faith. Begun to lose hope. Then God speaks to Moses and says, “Why ya’ll crying? Tell the people to move on! Get going. Move forward.”
When people are stuck, when people are losing their vision. When they can’t see anything promising ahead, God’s answer is to move forward.
Move forward.
Keep going.
So how? When I can’t move… how… am I going to move...?
Because of the Israelites perspective, they couldn’t see an opening in this situation to move through. They were literally stuck. But you may know this story ends. God tells Moses to raise his staff, the thing he already had with him, and as he does the Red Sea parts and they walk through on dry land.
So what does that have to do with us?
God called the Israelites to the freedom that was past this point. It was prepared for them. Then God tells Moses to use what he already had in his hands… and move.
Sometimes we may see no way forward but God wants us to look towards what He’s already spoken to us and given us. Look at what He’s already given you. Look at what He’s called you to do. The dreams He has given to you aren’t obscure.
It takes so much faith to walk towards a sea without knowing exactly how God may choose to move. But not only has He called you through this, but He has also given you the tools He wants to use to get you through. You already have what is necessary to make it through this wall. It’s not just about trusting His plan, but trusting the instructions He gives you to move in it. You already have what you need. Just follow what He said and Keep moving forward. God will provide.
Maybe the thing in your hand is therapy. Maybe it’s friends or family. Maybe the things and people God already put in your life may be what he wants to use to help get you through. Be real. Be vulnerable. Let Him use what is in your hand. And just keep swimming.
Don’t stop. Don’t give up. You may not see it now, but God is moving to make all things work together for your good. You just have to trust Him. Just keep moving based on what He has called you to
I pray I trust God today. I pray I trust God this week. I want to trust Him enough to keep moving forward.
I wanna wish a happy birthday to myself! Ya boy is 22! I feel like 22 isn’t as cool as 21 or 23 but I’m confident God will continue to move in my life and grow me into a better man He can continuously use to spread His love. Thanks so much for supporting me for real for real. I really appreciate it.
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