Walk In the Light

Reading time: 4 minutes

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12

The radiator in my car needs to be replaced, so while my car is out of commission I have been walking. Walking is interesting; you have to pay more attention to the weather when you make trips. You have to leave for places earlier. You have more time to be alone with your thoughts, and one recurring thought is a memory from an experience I had a couple of years ago. 

When I was in high school, I remember one day I was thirsty and thought to myself I was going to walk to Walmart. It honestly must’ve been a 10 min walk from where I was. Nothing major, it was a simple mission. But you know, they say most accidents happen within 5 or 10 miles from home. 

I was walking and if you know me, I take efficiency very seriously. I’m not going to do anything that isn’t necessary for the greater goal. I began jaywalking a little bit—just a tad. I wasn’t paying attention to the lights at crosswalks, I was just going based on what I saw. I was moving based on what made the most sense to me at the moment. I was being safe (don't worry, mommy), or at least I thought. Then, I get to a crosswalk, look both ways, see no cars, and, instead of waiting for the light to say I can walk, I just start walking. Makes sense right? I looked for the traffic and didn't see any issue. So, I walked before the light told me to walk. It was a logical decision, but I made the decision on my own and didn’t consult the light. 

As I’m walking, a car comes out of nowhere, rapidly slows down so they don't hit me, and in the process gets hit from behind by another car. Not only did I just witness an accident, I caused it. Why? I followed my sight and not the light. 

I don’t think it’s bad to have logic. I don’t think it’s bad to be confident in your logic. I don’t want you to think I’m saying that. What I am saying is problems can arise when your logic doesn’t submit to the greater authority of the Light. 

While I have 20/20 vision, good timing, and a quick walking pace, the Light had a higher awareness of the situation than I did. 

So what does this have to do with us? God calls us to use our intellect. He calls us to use our knowledge and expertise. He calls us to come and reason with Him (Isaiah 1:18). Science is not bad. God uses it to help reveal Himself in ways we can understand. Metrics and data are not bad. They help us grow and be most efficient and effective in the missions God has given us. Business plans and strategies are not bad. They help us be stewards of the talents and resources God has asked us to manage for Him. God calls us to invest in our gifts and resources so that their impact can grow. That’s a call all Christians have. You should be using logic and education and data, but where the issue comes in is when we trust the gifts of reason more than the Giver of reason. Our tools of intellect should be used to supplement what God called us to, not replace God's voice. 

It is not bad to use your degree to make the missions of evangelism and the proclamation of the gospel more effective. God asks us to invest in our gifts and take this stuff seriously. You are supposed to grow. But don’t let your gifts of vision, insight, and ability stop you from consulting the Light as the fundamental source of understanding. Allow Him to lead. Allow Him to steer. It’s His resources, gifts, and mission. He just asked you to manage them. 

One of my favorite book concepts is “Start with Why” by Simon Synek. 

It talks about the importance of not being caught up in the extracurriculars and the tools of a company, but focusing on the “why”. Why are you here and what was the purpose behind your action? Don't forget your why. As you seek to make Jesus famous, as you seek to make church fun, as you seek to love others how Jesus loved them, remember Jesus.

So how do you walk in “The Light”?

Every action first starts with a decision. Decide to make Jesus your foundation and He will lead you to what that looks like in your life. Choose Him. Choose to make Jesus your foundation for life. Write out a life mission statement and vision if you have to. Jesus has to be one of my priorities and though that is hard sometimes, He helps me keep Him number 1. He keeps me focused on Him. Ask Him to help you seek Him first and He will make your paths straight (and you won’t cause as many accidents).

Walk in the light, the beautiful light. 

Jesus the Light of the world. 



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