Celebrating Judgment
Read Time: 7 mins
“And I saw another angel flying through the sky, carrying the eternal Good News to proclaim to the people who belong to this world—to every nation, tribe, language, and people. “Fear God,” he shouted. “Give glory to him. For the time has come when he will sit as judge. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the springs of water.”
Revelation 14:6-7 NLT
There's an old spiritual arranged by Mark Butler called Signs of the Judgement. You should look it up. Or maybe I'll put a link but It’s almost comedic how scary and uncomfortable the song can sound. It’s sung in an erre and forceful manner. The lower voices start off with all of the distal plosives you can imagine, sternly stating, “Judgment oh Judgment, Judgment oh Judgment. Judgment, Judgment is coming. Judgment, Judgment is coming.” It evokes a feeling that danger is coming and you better watch out. And many of us feel that same worrisome fear and discomfort when we hear words like judgment. The type of “fear” that judgment evokes should not be one that has to do with punishment or worry but rather a fear consisting of awestruck reverence and worship. The fear of the Lord that comes from the idea of Judgment should prompt a desire to rest with Him and not run from Him. Judgment should bring about a fear of the Lord that leaves you with the desire to bask in His presence and sing “Holy”. When I think of judgment, I'm not thinking of an unsafe type of fear, I'm thinking of a peace and great fullness that I can't get enough of. How can our mindsets shift to find safety in judgment and not the type of fear that doesn’t come from God? Your unsafe and worrisome fear turns into a reverent awe inspiring fear when you reflect on your identity in relation to Christ.
The idea of judgment doesn’t have to be scary or daunting when we view through the lens of the acquittal of our sins because of our salvation in Jesus. The price of my sins are death, and a call for judgment being on the horizon should be an indication that my death sentence will soon be fulfilled. However, as Christians the whole point of our celebration is that Jesus stepped in and freed us from the penalty we deserve. If we truly believe that we were saved by grace through faith in Jesus, the idea of God wrapping this whole thing up should be exciting. If I know what the verdict in my case of salvation will be, the idea of sitting before the judge doesn’t have to be daunting. I know that I don't deserve it, but by grace through my faith in Jesus, I am covered. If we believe that Christ is sufficient and has the keys to death, hell and the grave, we have a blessed assurance. I’m not in a position to put on worry and insecurity as I wonder what the verdict of my soul will be. Jesus paid it all. And because I'm seated with Him, the end should be a time of celebration.
Typically we view judgment as a scary concept and the idea of the hour of God’s judgment being here can spur a response akin to someone frantically cramming for a test they aren't prepared for. We typically see this from an angle of “get ready or else,” which has its truth. But it can sometimes lead to us using obedience as a way to earn God's favor and appease Him instead of it being a reaction to how amazing He is. Caleb Gordon says “just cause the times running down on the clock doesn’t mean you have to blitz.” The idea of Jesus coming soon or judgment being at hand usually pushes us to try to scheme and hurry our way into good standing with God. It prompts us to put on our own strength and dedication to try to earn something Jesus has already freely given. Yes, you have to be ready for Jesus. But I want you to really realize that if you have put your faith in Jesus, you are safe. The idea of judgment provoking fear in those who have not yet accepted Jesus makes sense. But as Christians who are safe and secure in Jesus, Judgment should be viewed as a celebration.
And I think reminding ourselves of our gift of salvation in Christ puts this passage in a celebratory light. If I don’t feel like I'm ready for Jesus, I can take the call to revere and worship Him as a way to earn His favor before it's too late. But if I recognize that I am secure in Christ, the call to further worship and give Him glory is a reaction to how good He is. If I really consider how amazing God is, I am prompted to worship, give glory and follow Him with my whole being. We are reminded that our sincerest form of worship is offering our entire beings to back God. I should be tried and convicted for my sins, but Jesus has acquitted me. Judgment should be the date of my execution but instead it will forever be a memorial of how good God is.
Instead of viewing this idea of fearing God and giving Him glory as a way to clean myself up before my demise, let's view it as a response to my salvation. I'm not fearing God and giving Him glory as a way to earn my safety. I respect and praise Him because I am safe. I’m reminded of Ephesians 1 that praise is a response to everything God has done and not a means of earning what God has done. God being so good makes me want to use everything in my power to trust His every word and follow His every command.
This angel is proclaiming the good news of judgment. Judgment is good news. Judgment shouldn’t be a time of worry, it should be a time of worship. Because of my Salvation in Christ I don't have to be afraid. The book of Isaiah reminds us that we don't have to fear judgment because we know the Judge and He will save us. The idea of judgment approaching should be a time where you sit back and think about how Jesus has been unfathomably kind despite how undeserving you are. Every second of these last days should be spent giving God glory because of who He is. I want to worship and follow Him with every fiber of my being because of how amazing He has been.
I like how the psalmist talks about it here:
“Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he is coming! He is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with his truth.”
Psalms 96:11-13 NLT
Many use verses like this as a scare tactic to push people into obedience. But I want you to notice how this concept of worship being a reaction instead of a payment inspires the same result from a different and more lasting foundation. Me trying to worship God as a way to protect myself from utter demise is transactional. I am only worshiping to receive something from God. I am trying to give God glory as a way of purchasing my safety in God's judgment. This reaction of worship doesn’t last because once I feel safe I can stop my “payment plan” of obedience. But if my obedience is prompted by a genuine and continual revelation of God's goodness, it is as long lasting as His goodness itself. I don't love God to make Him love me. I love God because He loved me. And as long as He is good, (and God doesn’t change so He will always be more than good) I won't have enough tongues or time to adequately praise Him. God has been so good that even if He stopped being good, He has already built up so much credit that I will forever owe Him for the rest of my life. I’m excitedly desiring to use every fiber of my being to give back to Him. He has been so good that whatever my hand finds to do will be spent trying to give Him glory.
If we preached the character and love of Jesus we wouldn’t have to threaten and emotionally manipulate people into following God. Fear has to do with a threat of punishment but true love casts out all fear. The Bible says it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. I believe God's grace is so deep and His character is so pure that a glimpse of Jesus would give us the desire to worship Him through all we have and know how to do. A revelation of Jesus would prompt people to seek Him for themselves. I desire to stick closer to jesus more and more each day as His character is revealed to me.
It is noble for us as Christian’s to call others to the life of better that comes with following Jesus. But obedience comes as a result of revelation. And we often try to motivate others with fear instead of the only thing that changes and that is Jesus. Obedience brought about by fear only lasts as long as the threat is emphasized. But obedience brought about by faith grows exponentially as Christ reveals Himself. So my argument is to push Jesus over fear. Jesus actually creates a long lasting transformation. The behavior modification motivated by fear can only be so deep. God has been so good that I have no other desire but to worship Him with all my being. If we lift up the life and character of Christ, others will respond with worship. If we magnify Jesus, true worship will be the result. In John, Jesus talks about how in the time of judgment, His character and love showcased in His crucifixion would be what draws all men to Him.
“The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.”
John 12:31-32 NLT
Jesus said this as a way of pointing to His crucifiction. The epitome of grace and sacrificial love found in Jesus’ crucifixion will draw all men to Him. Preach that. Love that. And people will respond just like you did. He loved you so much, that He gave His all for you. Personally, words can't describe how in love I am with Jesus. I don't deserve a fraction of His goodness but He continues to pour out and love me. I want you to experience that same peace and purpose that comes from time in His presence. Spend the time to worship. Spend the time to sit with God and reflect on His goodness. And ask Him how you might reflect Him as a way to say thank you. As you come into contact with more of Jesus, it will prompt you to worship. Our worship is a reaction to His work.
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OH! Let me find a link to Judgement lol. It’s really a beautiful song lol.
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