Constant Prayer

Read Time: 7 mins

“They all met together and were constantly united in prayer, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women, and the brothers of Jesus.”

‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

God is calling you to greater and I believe we can glean from the disciple’s story to learn how to prepare for it. So the disciples have been with Jesus for about three years now. They have gone through the awkward freshman stages and have matriculated to the confidence level and impact of being an upperclassmen. But as the senior year was approaching, it was a time of transition and Jesus had more He was calling them to. They had experienced the miraculous with Jesus and I imagine by now they had grown comfortable being in His shadow. Their lifestyle had become an expected routine. They had been like Jesus’ back up singers but now it was time for them to go on tour by themselves. Jesus told them it was time for them to take the training wheels off and go out into the world making impact just like they saw Him doing. Jesus was to be crucified and the disciples were to stay on earth continuing the ministry they started with Jesus. It was time for them to spread their wings and walk boldly into the new modes of ministry God was calling them to experience. They had to be pushed out of their nest of comfort so they could fly in the way God had designed them to function.

I can imagine this calling outside of where they had found comfort was scary. They were used to being with Jesus in person and now they are called to a higher level of impact without Jesus physically by their side? I know they felt weak. They probably felt inadequate and nervous. This sounds like an insane calling but Jesus had it all figured out. Jesus said that He must leave but He wouldn’t  leave them alone. He is giving them the Holy Spirit who will comfort them and lead them into all truth. Not just that, the Holy Spirit will give them the power they need. 

You too may be sensing that it is a time for transition for you. You have grown comfortable in this current season and know it is time to move into the unknown. It’s time for more. It's time for growth. You know it's time to graduate and go to a higher level with God. You may be getting ready to step into a door of marriage or a new season in your career. You may be starting a new ministry or serving in a new capacity. You may be starting a new semester or embracing a new responsibility in your calling. Whatever you are being called into, you too need the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish this calling. 

You too like the disciples are called to go out into all the world and be Christ’s representative. But you cannot accomplish this massive task without the power of the Holy Spirit. You need your own answer to this promise of power. You need your own Day of Pentecost. You need your own upper room experience. You need power! We know this, but many of us still aren't experiencing it. Why? Simple. I don't think we're always as committed to asking as we should be. 

One of my favorite verses says that if our earthly fathers can give good gifts to their children, how much more will our father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. The Bible tells us to fervently knock and seek God for what we need. The disciples didn't just randomly run into the Spirit’s power. The Bible says they were constantly united together in prayer. That’s the prerequisite many of us miss. We want God’s power but we aren't seeking His face. They prepared for the power through prayer. Prayer was the prerequisite for the power they needed. 

We have an opportunity for all we need and many of us aren't receiving it because we aren't committed to prayer. Yes, God has called you to big things. But you must never think that victory is coming from your might or power alone. Victory comes by the Spirit of God working in your life. Your success will come when you’re humble enough to realize your utter dependence on God. Prayer forces you to remember your place in this. God only has the freedom to work as dominantly as He wants to when you get out the way and give Him space. You are not in control. You are not the star of the team. His strength is best when you remember you're weak. Prayer is you relinquishing control and admitting that you desperately need His power to make it. 

There's a story in Mark 9 where the disciples are called to cast out a demon and they fail to do so. Jesus comes and accomplishes in a moment what they couldn’t do. Later while Jesus is alone, the disciples come back privately and ask why it didn't work when they tried. Jesus tells them that what they were trying to do is only possible through prayer. This assumes that they tried to accomplish this task without prayer. I want you to catch this. Jesus called the disciples to the task of casting out demons. This was in their job description. This was the call. But what God calls you is only possible when you recognize that you need Him to power the success. Some of us are called to greatness but are hitting a glass ceiling and missing out on the power God wants to give because we are not committing ourselves to being united to fervent prayer. We aren't humble enough to give God the space to really show up in our lives. 

We need to have enough faith to be committed to prayer as we are preparing for God to answer His promise of power. You may have things the Holy Spirit is placing on your mind now. Maybe you want to be a better husband or better leader. Maybe you are starting another position at work, starting an organization and going after the degrees God has asked you to pursue. Maybe you are called to make a move or start a job. Whatever it is,  God is calling you to a greater lane of ministry and I'm pleading with you to create a foundation of prayer as you get ready for what God is leading you to. Don’t go into this without a foundation of prayer. 

The power to live out your call is available when you realize it is only possible through Jesus. Prayer is the prerequisite for power. 

You can stop reading now or you can keep going and see what I have next that will help you on your journey.

I don't know what God is calling you to pray for in your life but can I solicit your prayer in mine? This is why this concept is so impactful for me. 

As you know we’re planning an event for Nov 11, 2023 in Cincinnati. That morning we are having a nation-wide youth and young adult day at Shiloh SDA Church that we are calling Ignite and that evening we are asking you to be in the room as ROAR Worship leads in our pursuit of the presence of God. But I don't just want you there, I need you praying. I know that I cannot do this on my own. My team cannot do this on our own. But if God calls us to it, we can rely on His power to see us through it. I’ve seen it happen in the past. Let me give you some backstory so you understand where I'm coming from. 

As we talked about, Jesus called His followers to go out into all nations and spread the good news that changed their lives. But in Acts 1:4-5, Jesus made it a point to tell His followers that they couldn’t accomplish this mission without first being filled with the Holy Spirit. They could not accomplish this great task of ministry on their own. They needed power. Finally, God answers His promise, and while the disciples are in a room together, they hear a “ROAR” of wind and they all receive the power of the Holy Spirit that they had been desperately craving.

My friends and I gravitated to this story during our senior year of college. Some of us were going to other schools, some of us were preparing to start jobs in different states, and some of us were even getting ready to get married. Honestly, it was scary. We had grown comfortable at Oakwood and the various stages we were at but it was time to grow up another level and follow God into new spaces. We were scared. We were unsure. I know I was. I was getting ready to leave campus ministry at Oakwood and start full time ministry as a pastor in Cincinnati and I had no idea what to expect. We knew we were called to more. And we knew we needed the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish those goals. Like the disciples, in order to walk out this call we needed a double portion of the Spirit of God. We knew we couldn’t do it on our own. So we committed ourselves to seeking God and grounding ourselves in Him. That's how ROAR was born (named after the ROAR of wind on the day of Pentecost). We maxed out credit cards, formed a team, prayed and fasted, and rented an event center for a night of worship and consecration. Like the disciples, we decided to get a room and fervently ask God for the power He promised before we went out to witness. That night was a catalyst in the lives of many. That night led to people asking for baptism and the birth of new ministries. That night many were inspired, edified and motivated to advance into the new lanes of ministry God was calling them to. And we kept following the Spirit as He directed us to cultivate more spaces so that people could “be in the room” with us as we sought the face of our Father.

For two years now, we have created this “room” by curating moments of worship in Huntsville, AL. Over 300 people were impacted through the first event in 2022, over 1100 were impacted in 2023. But God keeps calling us to more. And if we continue to follow the book of Acts we know that we can expect our impact to keep growing numerically. My life, ministry and growth with God has been dependent on moments of prayer and consecration and I want you to have every opportunity to find purpose in His presence like I have. 

My team and I feel led to come to Cincinnati and create another opportunity for others to also ask God for the Spirit as they prepare for new stages of life and ministry. Whether you’re starting college, a new career or aren't even sure of what your next is, you know you need the power of the Holy Spirit. I need you there and I need you praying. My team will be praying and fasting. We will be praying over the church and the instruments. We will be praying around the clock because we know this is so much bigger than us. And I need you to join us. Pray now, and come to Cincinnati so that you can see what God does. Come be in the room with us. 

Get your rides, hotels and AirBnbs now. Send your churches. Tell your pastors or campus clubs that you want to make a trip. I'm hearing rumors about groups from Toronto, Atlanta, Huntsville, the DMV and Michigan coming. I want it packed out as we seek God together. I'm more than excited for what God is going to do. We are expecting God to do more than we can think or imagine. You can register today at so that you can be in the room. 

I need you praying as we prepare for God to move. Start prayer groups. Join me and my team as we pray and fast. God is going to do something amazing. 


If you can't come but you would like to support, you can give to our CashApp $BeInTheRoom so that ROAR can be a success. 

If you need your donation to be tax deductible, you can give through Shiloh SDA Church on Adventist Giving (link below), or by check to 3660 Washington Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229.

God is going to do something amazing and I appreciate all who come, pray and give because this is going to be great.


The More Broken The Better


You are complete.